Photodetector can convert optical signals into electrical signals, therefore they are widely used in imaging, remote sensing, spectroscopy, and other fields.Traditionalphotoconductivephotodetector is usually based on a single type semiconductor materials.Such photodetector hasmanyadvantagessuch assimple structure, low cost.However, italso has big dark current, low detection sensitivity.By contrast,thephotovoltaic detectorwhichis based on semiconductor heterojunction or metal semiconductor schottkyjunctionhas the smaller dark current, higher sensitivity and don't needaadditional powertodrive.
Theprofessor Ming-QiangZhuinWuhan National Laboratory For Optoelectronics laboratoryhavesynthesizedthen-type semiconductor cadmium sulfidemicrowirebybismuth powder catalyzedthermal evaporation. Combining with the commonly used Ptype semiconductor polymer P3HT, a self powered photodetector based on PNheterojunctionhave been fabricated.The device can detect ultraviolet to the near infrared spectrumunderthe zero biasand has a short response time (< 0.2s).In addition, thanks tothegood crystallinity and asymmetric center structureofthe CdS microwire, the UV/visibledetectivityof this device can be enhanced by applying suitable tensile strainsaccording to the theory of piezoelectric-optoelectronics.Therefore, the device is expected to be applied to practical photoelectric detection and pressuredetectionfields.
On February 20, 2017, the results of this study “Piezo - phototronic effect modulated self - powered UV/visible/near - infrared photodetectors -based on CdS: P3HT microwires” are published in the Nano Energy. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (21174045, 51603078, 51673077, 21474034), the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No.2013CB922104, 2015CB755602), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities' (HUST: 2016YXMS029), and Director Fund of WNLO.
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