Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS)isone of thecompetitiveapproachesfor monitoringwater quality due to itsattractivefeatures,such as rapid,simultaneousmulti-element detection, andinsitu,real-timeanalysiscapabilities.However, the detection sensitivity of LIBSis stillunsatisfactory when directlyanalyzing liquid samples because itsuffersfrom severalproblems, e.g.,water splashing, surface ripples,andquenching of intensity.Therefore, it is meaningfulto finda method tosolvethese above problems and improve thedetection sensitivity of trace heavy metal element inaqueous solutionanalysis.
The researchers of the laser advancedmanufacturinggroupsin WNLOproposedamethodof chemical replacement combined with surface-enhanced laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy(CR-SENLIBS) for analyzing liquid samples. Chemical replacement was applied as an automatic, simple, and rapid pretreatment method to convert the heavy metal cations in aqueous solutionon magnesium alloy surface.The results demonstrate that the CR-SENLIBS is a feasible method for improving the detection sensitivity oftrace heavy metalelements inthe liquidsample.
This research has been financially supported by the National Special Fund for the Development of Major Research Equipments and Instruments (No. 2011YQ160017), by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 51429501, 61575073, and 61378031),byFundamental ResearchFundsfor the Central Universities of China (HUST: 2015TS075),which has been publishedon the journalofOptics Express(Vol. 24, Issue 12, pp. 13410-13417, 2016)
Figure1. Schematic diagram ofthesamplepretreatmentprocedures(a)andthe experimental setup(b).
Figure2.Calibration line ofCr