WUHAN, China (June 22, 2018) - Wuhan Optoelectronics Forum No. 142 was successfully held in Auditorium A101 at Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics (WNLO) in the morning of June 22. Prof. GuoPing Wang from Shenzhen University delivered an exciting talk entitled Introduction to Metamaterials and Metasurfaces. Prof. Jian Wang, from WNLO chaired the forum. Prof. Xinliang Zhang, Deputy Director of WNLO, awarded Prof. GuoPing Wang the forum medal.
Metamaterials and metasurfaces (METAs) exhibit unusual properties not occurring in natural materials, leading to great potential in wide fields such as integrated optics, invisibility, super-resolution imaging and sensing, and optical communications etc., and hence attract tremendous academic interests currently. Progresses brought by METAs were three times honored one of the annual science and technology breakthroughs of the world by SCIENCE magazine. In this talk, we will introduce to you the construction, properties, and their applications of METAs, as well as our recent works on designing and demonstrating, both numerically and in part experimentally, different grating metasurfaces for (1) shaping wavefront, (2) smart controlling Fano resonance, and (3) far-field super-resolution imaging, respectively.
Dr. GuoPing Wang, received his Ph.D in Optics from Sichuan University in 1994. Since 1997, he experienced a series of academic visiting to Osaka University, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Nanyang Technology University, respectively, as a postdoctoral fellow or visiting scholar. Before joint College of Electronic Science and Technology of Shenzhen University as a chair professor in 2014, Dr. Wang has been appointed to a Luojia’s professor of Wuhan University. He was ever honored several scientific awards, including the second class prize of National Natural Science Award of China, the first class prize of Natural Science Award of Hubei province. So far, Dr. Wang has co-authored over 100 peer-reviewed journal papers in the fields of optical metamaterials, optical super-resolution imaging and sensing, plasmonics, and taken charge of more than 20 scientific projects funded by Chinese government, including National Science Foundation of China for Distinguished Young Scientists, key project of National Science Foundation of China, subject of National Science and Technology Major Project of China, and the projects for New Century Excellent Talents in University of Ministry of Education of China etc.