WUHAN, China (November 4, 2015) - Wuhan Optoelectronics Forum No. 104 was successfully held in Auditorium A101 at Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics (WNLO) in the afternoon of November 4.
In 1905, Albert Einstein first proposed the idea of light quantum. That was the beginning of quantum optics, and it helped to initiate the quantum physics. In this report, we will briefly describe how "light quantum" was born and the bizarrerie characteristics of photons, emphatically we introduce its applications in quantum cryptography, quantum networks, quantum simulation, quantum metrology and quantum computing. At the end of the report, we will discuss the outstanding issue - the nature of light.
Guangcan Guo received a Bachelor degree from University of Science and Technology of China in 1965. After that he joined the Department of Physics at USTC as an Assistant Professor. Guo was a visit scholar at University of Toronto from 1981-1983. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 1983, Professor and Ph.D. supervisor in 1988. He has been an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences since 2003, a fellow of the Third World Academy of Sciences since 2009. He serves as the President of the Chinese Optical Society since 2014. Guo has been long engaged in theoretical and experimental research of quantum optics, quantum communication and quantum computation.