WUHAN, China (June 24, 2014) - Wuhan Optoelectronics Forum No. 82 was successfully held in Auditorium A101 at Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics (WNLO) in the afternoon of June 24.
Since versatile laser sources provide flexible and unique energy sources for precise control of material processing spectrally and specially,different industrial technologies such as laser materials processing have been developed and have demonstrated their significance in many areas such as material science, electronics, defense, and mechanics, In this presentation, the speaker will introduce their research activities in spectrally and spatially controlled laser-material interactions for fast growth of diamond films and crystals in open air, self-aligned growth of carbon nanotubes, formation of wafer-size graphene layer directly on dielectric surfaces, directly writing of nanoscale graphene patterns, synthesis of carbon-nanoonions and their applications in energy storage and triobology, and nuclear forensics using laser-assisted optical spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. The speaker will also introduce their recent discovery that vibrational modes of precursor molecules play important roles in material synthesis, leading to an assumption that temperature may not be the unique parameter governing thermally drive chemical processes.
Dr. Lu is currently the Lott Distinguished Professor of Engineering at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln (UNL). He has more than 20 years of experience in laser-based material processing and characterization at micro/nanoscales. His group has research projects funded by NSF, AFOSR, ONR, DTRA, DOE, NCESR, NRI, private companies, and other foundations in Japan, with research expenditures over 15 million dollars in past a few years. Dr. Lu has authored or co-authored over 300 journal papers and 340 conference papers. He has recently been elected to SPIE fellow, OSA fellow and LIA fellow. He has also received a number of national and international awards, including the National Technology Award (Singapore, 1998), Asean Engineering Achievement Award (Asean Engineering Association, 1999), and Laser International Award (Germany, 2000). He has served board member and the treasurer of Laser Institute of America (LIA). He is now the President of LIA. He has served as chairs and general chairs for numerous international conferences including the general congress chair for International Congress of Applications of Lasers and Electro-Optics in 2007 and 2008. His recent work has been featured by Science 360 and 2011 International Science and Engineering Visualization Challenge joint organized by Science magazine and NSF.