Title:New optical materials, optical fibers and devices for next-generation sensing and light source technologies
Speaker: Prof. Tanya Monro
Time:Oct.22. 2012.9:00-10:00
Venue: Room A101 At WNLO
Recent advances in fabrication technologies along with a range of sophisticated modeling and design tools are enabling the realization of photonic devices with micro and nano-scale structure that can be used to interact guided light with light, liquids or gases to create new classes of light sources and sensing devices.
IPAS brings together research on the development of new classes of optical materials with research in glass extrusion and optical fibre development, notably micro and nanostructuring, surface functionalization and device development. This talk will provide an overview of this research capability and describe recent advances, including optical materials for the mid-infrared, nanoparticles embedded within glass, new classes of chemical and biological sensors (suitable for use in ultra-low volume samples and/or in-vivo), laser devices, and tailored nonlinear effects in novel fibres for optical data processing applications.
Professor Tanya Monro is an ARC Federation Fellow and Director of the Institute for Photonics & Advanced Sensing (IPAS) at the University of Adelaide. IPAS pursues a transdisciplinary research agenda, bringing together physics, chemistry and biology to create knowledge and disruptive new technologies, and solve problems for health, defence, the environment, mining and food and wine.
Tanya is a Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science (AAS) and the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE). Tanya was awarded the Australian Academy of Sciences Pawsey Medal for 2012. In 2011 Tanya was named South Australia’s “Australian of the Year” for 2011 and won the Scopus Young Researcher of the Year (Physical Sciences). In 2008 she won the Prime Minister’s Malcolm McIntosh Prize for Physical Scientist of the Year. Tanya obtained her PhD in physics in 1998 from The University of Sydney, for which she was awarded the Bragg Gold Medal for the best Physics PhD in Australia in that year. In 1998 she commenced work at the Optoelectronics Research Centre (ORC) at The University of Southampton in the UK, and in 2000, she received a Royal Society University Research Fellowship. She came to the University of Adelaide in 2005 as inaugural Chair of Photonics. She has published over 450 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings, and has raised over $73M for research.
Tanya Monro’s research has made significant contributions to our understanding of how light can be generated, controlled, and used to manipulate and probe matter on the nanoscale. Her research interests include novel optical materials and optical fibre structures, new approaches to chemical, biological and radiation sensing, novel laser sources and nonlinear devices.