Title:Blue phase liquid crystal display: the next generation of disruptive technology
Speaker: Prof. Shin-Tson Wu
Time:Mar. 21. 2012.10:30-12:00
Venue: Room A101 At WNLO
Since Kikuchi developed a polymer-stabilization process for widening the blue-phase liquid crystal temperature range in 2002 and Samsung demonstrated the first blue-phase LCD prototype in 2008, whole world is waiting for the era of this disruptive technology to come. The Kerr-effect-based blue-phase LCD exhibits several revolutionary features, such as microsecond response time, no need for alignment layer, optically isotropic dark state for inherently wide view, and cell gap insensitivity for easing fabrication provided that in-plane switching electrodes are employed. With sequential RGB LED colors, the spatial color filters can be eliminated so that both optical efficiency and resolution density are tripled. However, some bottlenecks such as high operation voltage, hysteresis, residual birefringence, and image sticking, remain to be overcome before its widespread application can be realized. In this talk, I will report recent progresses addressing these fundamental problems. A new blue-phase LCD with low operation voltage, high transmittance, and free from hysteresis and residual birefringence will be described. The dawn of the blue-phase LCD era is on the horizon.
Shin-Tson Wu is a Pegasus professor at CREOL: The College of Optics and Photonics, University of Central Florida (UCF). Prior to joining UCF in 2001, he was with Hughes Research Laboratories (Malibu, California) for 18 years. He received his Ph.D. in quantum electronics from University of Southern California(LosAngeles, California, USA) and BS in physics from National Taiwan University (Taipei, Taiwan).Prof. Wu is a Fellow of the IEEE, OSA, SID, and SPIE. He is a recipient of SID Slottow-Owaki prize (2011), OSA Joseph Fraunhofer award/Robert M. Burley prize (2010), SPIE G. G. Stokes award (2008), and SID Jan Rajchman prize (2008). He has co-authored 7 books, over 400 journal papers, and over 70 issued U.S. patents. He was the founding Editor-In-Chief of the IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology. Currently, Prof. Wu is serving as SID Honors and Awards committee, SPIE G. G. Stokes Award committee, and Vice Chair of OSA Publication council.