Title:Dynamics and Coherent Photoemissions of Atomic Systems Driven by Intense Laser Fields: Theoretical and Experimental Studies
Speaker: Prof. Jianmin Yuan, Department of Physics, National University of Defense Technology, China
Time: July. 07. 2011.11:30-11:30
Venue: Room A101 At WNLO
Recent progresses on the dynamics and coherent photoemission of atoms driven by intense laser field carried out by the author and colleagues are presented, including nonrelativistic and relativistic time-dependent quantum mechanics, time-dependent quantum electrodynamics, and strong field models and the experimental realization based on two color laser fields irradiating on semiconductor, gases, and metal surfaces without or with ionizations. Dependence of the time and frequency domain features of the photoemission on the relative phases and intensities of the two color laser fields are presented in both theoretical and experimental results. With coincident measurement between the coherent terahertz emission and third order harmonics, possible strong field coherent quantum mechanical control on atomic dynamical processes is shown by both theory and experiment.
Prof. Jianmin Yuan is the a Professor of Physics at National University of Defense Technology in China。His research focuses on Electronic, and photonic collisions with atoms and molecules; Electronic and atomic structures of hot/warm dense matters, opacity, and equation of states; Coherent terahertz and ultraviolet emissions of atoms and molecules in ultrashort and strong laser fields; First principle and molecular dynamics on clusters, surface, and condense matters. From 1980's, he investigated slow electron collisions with closed-shell atoms and molecules, in particular, the resonances of slow electron collision with alkaline-earth atoms and of photodetachment of negative alkaline-earth ions. From the later of 1990's, he first obtained DTA/DLA models of opacity of hot and dense plasmas, the first DTA/DLA model result of heavy elements (Au). From 2000's, he investigated mechanisms of the changes from band-like atomic-like CVV Auger electron spectroscopy across the transition metals based on first principle calculations. Most recently, he investigated coherent terahertz emission from ultrafast dynamics of atoms in femtosecond laser fields; first principle molecular dynamics study on clusters and hot/warm dense matters.