Title: Coherent Control Of Ultrafast Photonic Signal
Speaker: Pro. Jianying Zhou
Time: Nov. 26.2009, 4:00PM
Venue: Room A101 at WNLO
Photon is the main carrier of modern information. Photons have the capability of much higher transmission speed which provides people with an unprecedentedly massive broadband information highway. The development of high-speed and massive photonic information technology has changed society and economy dramatically. However, further progress in photonic information technology is limited severely by the weak capability of photons in signal processing compared with electrons. In this sense, photonic signal processing has become the bottleneck for high-speed photonic information technology to develop to the next level.
Photonic information processing includes optical switch, photon separation, photon amplitude limitation, photon amplifier, high-speed and high-efficiency conversion of photon energy. The core underlying such concepts is the storage of photons, involving slowing down of light speed, trapping of photons, controlled release and energy conversion of photons. The basic factors related with photonic information processing are ultrahigh response speed, low photon power threshold, high conversion efficiency and relatively low device cost. The resonant photonic crystal which will be discussed in this lecture is exactly this kind of high-speed photonic device that satisfies the requirements mentioned above.
The lecture will focus on the study of the coherent manipulation of optical field based on resonant photonic crystals through comparisons among several different approaches to slow light transmission and optical field trapping of ultrashort laser pulses. The basic principles, optical characteristics, device fabrication and characterization, and their applications in ultrafast photonic switch and storage will be discussed in detail. The lecture will also talk about the domestic and international research trends in this field, make an analysis as well as an evaluation about the presence and future of photonic crystal research, and compare our method with other promising approaches in the application of high-speed photonic signal processing. The idea of simultaneous development of nano-optics, photonic crystal optics, ultrafast optics, quantum optics and advanced material fabrication as well as some plans and solutions of realizing all-optical signal processing in high-speed optoelectronic information technology will be put forward after the analysis of the state-of-art technology and the future development.
Dr. Jianying Zhou is presently a professor at Sun Yat-sen University as well as a doctoral tutor. In 1982, he graduated from Department of Optics, Hua Zhong University of Science and Technology. In 1984, he went to the Imperial College in London for graduate study and got his Ph.D. in 1988. After having been a postdoctoral fellow in Imperial College, he came back to China and worked at Sun Yat-sen University as a postdoctor, lecturer, associate research professor, and professor. He has been appointed as the dean of laser spectroscopy institute, the dean of the national key laboratory, and the chairman of school of science and technology at Sun Yat-sen University. Up to now, Prof. Zhou has established tight cooperation with a wide range of universities and institutes, including Max-Planck institute in Germany, Weizmann institute in Israel, Moscow University in Russia, Hong Kong Science and Technology University, and St. Andrews University in England.