Title: Recent progress towards SOI photonic devices
Speaker: Pro. Jinzhong Yu
Time: Oct.30. 2008. 4:00 P.M.
Venue: Room A101 At WNLO
The effect of electrical “bottle neck” on transmission of electrical computers becomes stronger and stronger. It is a good way to use optical connection instead of electrical connection. SOI (Silicon on insulator) photonic devices with different functions have shown many perfect performers such as low cost, easy integration, compatible technology with CMOS etc., so they are the foundation for optical connection in optical computer system. Recent progresses of SOI photonic devices will be reviewed in the paper. The emphasis will be placed on achievements of SOI single mode waveguide, SSC (spot size converter), MMI (multi-mode interferencer) coupler and spliter, optical modulator, optical switch matrix and optical detector which were investigated in our laboratory. Then update progresses of nano-wire SOI photonic devices will be presented.