Title: New progresses and prospects of low-light level nonlinear optics
Speaker: Pro. Yifu Zhu
Time: July. 11. 2008. 3:30 P.M.
Venue: Room A101 At WNLO
Studies of nonlinear optics manifested by EIT-type coherence and interference may lead to a variety of potential applications in quantum optics devices and precision measurements. Theoretical studies continue to explore new regimes and new area of possibilities. Combination of EIT with cavity QED for manipulation of quantum states and control of atom-photon interactions has been explored recently and may lead to new developments in quantum nonlinear optics. Experimental studies have been very successful in proofs of the principle demonstrations and are leading towards realization of practical applications. EIT is a coherence phenomenon, which usually requires a medium having a long coherence time and the useful frequency bandwidth is therefore limited. Practical applications based on the EIT manifested coherence and interference are actively pursued in recent years. Successful examples include the micro-fabricated CPT clock and sensitive magnetometers [28-29]. For wider practical applications, it is desirable to identify suitable solid-state media with the aforementioned properties. Studies of EIT and related phenomena in solids are challenging because of complicated level structures, inhomogeneous broadening, and other decoherence mechanisms. Recent experimental progresses in this direction are promising and may lead to exciting breakthroughs in the future.