Title: History, Technological Integration of Opto-Electronic Engineering And Medical Science
Speaker: Pro.Britton Chance
Time: April. 07. 2008.4:30 P.M
Venue: Room A301 At WNLO
1、The development of electronic circuits for waveform generation and analogue computing
2、The BioSciences of cells and tissues
3、Non Invasive Methods of Human tissue functions and therapeutics
Dr. Britton Chance was born in 1913. He received his doctorate in physical chemistry from the University of Pennsylvania in 1940 and in biology and physiology from the University of Cambridge in 1943. He is a professor at the University of Pennsylvania, a fellow of the royal Swedish academy, a fellow of the national academy of sciences, a foreign fellow of the royal society and a fellow of the American philosophical society. Since his first us patent at the age of 17, he has published more than 4,000 papers or monographs, been cited more than 10,000 times and has been hailed as one of the most prolific scientists of the 20th century.