Xiangkun KongEmail author , Junyi Xu, Jin-jun Mo, Shaobin Liu
Abstract In this study, a new broadband and conformal metamaterial absorber using two flexible substrates was proposed. Simulation results showed that the proposed absorber exhibited an absorption band from 6.08 to 13.04 GHz and a high absorption of 90%, because it was planar. The absorber was broadband as its relative absorption bandwidth was 72.8%. Moreover, the proposed absorber was insensitive to the polarization of the TE and TM waves. The absorber was ultra-thin; its total thickness was only 0.07l at the lowest operating frequency. Furthermore, different regions of absorption can be adjusted by lumping and loading two resistors onto the polyimide film, respectively. Moreover, compared with the conventional microwave absorber, the absorption bandwidth of the proposed absorber can be broadened and enhanced when it was bent and conformed to the surface of objects. Experimental and simulation results were in agreement. The proposed absorber is a promising absorbing element in scientific and technical applications because of its broadband absorption, polarization insensitivity, and flexible substrates.
Keywords absorber metamaterials flexible broadband conformal
Xiangkun Kong received the Ph.D. degree in communication and information systems from the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) in 2015. He has been an associate professor in NUAA since his promotion in July 2015. Currently, he is working at the University of St. Andrews in the UK as an academic visitor supported by China Scholarship Council. His main research interests include the plasma stealth, plasma photonic crystal, electromagnetic properties of metamaterials, and computational electromagnetics. He has published more than 60 papers in different academic journals, including Applied Physics Letters, Optics Express,and IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, and has been cited 1099 times.