Nested microring resonator with a doubled free spectral range for sensing application
Xin ZhangEmail author , Jiawen Jian, Han Jin, Peipeng Xu
The microring resonator has received increasing attention in the optical sensing application because of its micro-size, optical property, and high sensitivity. An additional waveguide is commonly used to change the output spectra in the early research on microring resonators. In this study, we proposed a nested microring resonator that doubles the free spectral range (FSR) compared with the conventional single microring. This structure improved the sensing property as the FSR in the filter output spectra could be considered as a measurement range in the microring sensor. Moreover, the parameters including the coupling coefficient of the three coupling sections, length of the U-bend waveguide, and effective index of a waveguide were tested and carefully selected to optimize the sensing properties. The relationship between these parameters and the output spectra was demonstrated. With linear sensitivity, the structure has a good potential in sensing application.
Keywords microring resonator, double free spectral range (FSR), sensing application, large measurement range
Xin Zhang received his Ph.D. degree in 2015 from Yanshan University, China. He is a lecturer in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Division of Ningbo University. His research field is photonic device and optical gas sensor.
Jiawen Jian received his Ph.D. degree from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC). He is a professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Division of Ningbo University. His research area is electrochemical gas sensor.
Han Jin received his Ph.D. degree from Kyushu University. He is an associate professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Division of Ningbo University. His research interests are gas sensor and wearable sensor design.
Peipeng Xu received his Ph.D degree from Zhejiang University. He is lecturer in Laboratory of Infrared Material and Devices in Ningbo University. His research interests are infrared materials and waveguide design.