Guest Editors:
Prof.Heng Zhou,University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China
Prof.Jing Xu,Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Microresonators are resonators that confine light in micrometer scale mode volume. Microresoantors have become one of the most important elements in nanophotonics and integrated optics technology, including filters, sensors, lasers, optical switches, etc. Geometries as well as material platforms of microresonators are surprisingly diverse, ranging from micro-posts/disks/spheres/toroids/rings, Fabry-Perot and photonic crystal cavities to microcavities on regular/irregular polygonal nanocrystals or even topologically curved surface, and materials from silica, silicon, silicon nitride, lithium niobite, diamond, AlN, crystalline materials including CaF2and MgF2, to III-V semiconductor materials such as AlGaAs. Extreme light confinement by light circulations can significantly enhance light-matter interaction and leads to interesting yet useful phenomena such as dissipative Kerr soliton combs, harmonic generations etc. Combined with new physics from non-Hermitian systems and other disciplines, enhancement performances at optical/phonon lasing, sensing, exotic light propagation have been demonstrated. In order to promote research on the fundamental physics of microresonators and related applications for photonics and beyond, Prof. Heng Zhou (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China) and Prof. Jing Xu (Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China) are planning to organize a special issue on Microresonators for photonic applications and beyond. Submission deadline is 15 December, 2022.
This special issue will cover the most recent progress inphysics, geometries, and applications of microresonators with various kinds of materials. The topics include, but are not limited to:
Light-matter interaction in microresonators
Linear and nonlinear properties of microresonators
Linear and nonlinear devices based on microresonators, including lasers and frequency comb generators, optical filters and sensors, all optical signal processors etc.
Non-Hermitian physics in microresonators and applications, especially with parity-time symmetric characteristics or exceptional points
Microresonators for fiber-optic communications
Quantum and optomechanical effects in microresonator
Microresonator based on new materials and fabrication processes
Article types include: review article, research article, letter, perspective, comment, and so on.
A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on:
No length limitation, no page charges, full open access publication, continuous article publication.
All papers should be written in English and submitted online inWORDformat via:https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/foe
For inquiries regarding this special issue, please contact:
Frontiers of OptoelectronicsEditorial Office
Tel: +86-27-87793063
Prof. Heng Zhou
Prof. Jing Xu
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