Guest Editors:
Yunhong Ding, Technical University of Denmark
Jianwei Wang, Peking University
Quantum technologies are expected to lead to a step change in human capabilities in applications in computing, communication, and sensing. Photonics is one of the most promising platforms for quantum technologies as photons travel at the fastest possible speed and readily protected from decoherence. In the past years, quantum photonics has achieved significant development, including loophole free Bell tests, satellite quantum communications over thousands of kilometers, and quantum computing outperforms the world’s most powerful supercomputer by orders of magnitude for a specific task.
The study of quantum photonics now spans various multidisciplinary fields in the fundamental research of quantum information processing, technological investigation of integrated quantum photonics, and emerging applications from quantum chemical simulation to ultra-high resolution sensing. To highlight the exciting developments in this field and to promote the diverse applications of quantum photonics, Associate Prof. Yunhong Ding (Technical University of Denmark) and Assistant Prof. Jianwei Wang (Peking University) are organizing a special issue on Recent Advances in Quantum Photonics. Submission deadline is March 31, 2023.
√ This special issue will cover recent progress in both the physics and applications of quantum photonics technologies. Topics include, but not limited to:
Ø Quantum photonic computing
Ø Quantum photonic communication
Ø Quantum photonic simulation
Ø Quantum photonic sensing
Ø Quantum light sources
Ø Integrated quantum photonics
Ø Quantum entanglement
Ø High-dimensional quantum technologies
Ø Single photon detectors
Ø Novel materials for single photon sources
√ Article types include: review, research, perspective/comment, and letter
√ A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on:
√ No length limitation, no page charges, full open access publication, continuous article publication.
√ All papers should be written in English and submitted online in WORD format via:https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/foe
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