Call for Papers
Special issue for Celebrating the 15th Anniversary of JIOHS and the 70th Anniversary of HUST
Since launched in 2008,Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences(JIOHS) has been evolving and growing. Along with it, theinterdisciplinary research of optics and health has made unprecedented progress.This year isthe15thAnniversary of JIOHS, alsothe70thAnniversary of Huazhong University of Science &Technology (HUST).Naturally,organizinga special issueis certainly the most important way to celebrate. In addition, we will have some othercelebrations, which will be accompanied by some special features, like an anniversary logo, collections of the most highly cited papers of our Journal in different fields of biomedical optics,and academic activitiesat the 16th International Conference on Photonics and Imaging in Biology and Medicine (PIBM 2022).
All submissions need to present original, previously unpublished work and will be subject to the normal standards and peer review processes of the journal. We solicit papers focusing on the leading-edge topics in the field of biomedical optics and biophotonics that include, but are not limited to the following:
●Tissue optics and spectroscopy
●Novel microscopies
●Optical coherence tomography
●Diffuse and fluorescence tomography
●Photoacoustic and multimodal imaging
●Molecular imaging and therapies
●Nanophotonic biosensing
●Optical biophysics/photobiology
Please prepare manuscripts according to the Submission Guidelines to Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciencesand submit through Editorial Manager submission system, specifying from the drop-down menu that the manuscript is for Special issue for Celebrating the 15th Anniversary of JIOHS and the 70th Anniversary of HUST.
Submission deadline: Sep. 30, 2022
Planned publication date: November, 2022
Feature Editors:
Qingming Luo
Hainan University, China
Wuhan National Lab for Optoelectronics, HUST, China
Valery V Tuchin
Saratov State University, Russia
Lihong Wang
California Institute of Technology, USA