WUHAN, China (November 13, 2015) - Wuhan Optoelectronics Forum No. 107 was successfully held in Auditorium A101 at Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics (WNLO) in the afternoon of November 13.
In this talk, I will introduce some important progress in optical vortex. 1) Orbit angular momentum application in high capacity optical communication, 2) Using optical vortex light to manipulate SPP at ordinary microscope.
Prof. XC Yuan is the Yangtse River Scholar, OSA fellow and SPIE fellow. He received his PhD degree of Physics at University of London, King’s College in 1994, and then worked as a postdoctor at Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge University from 1994 to 1999. After that, he became tenure-track professor at Nanyang Technological University. From 2008, he moved to Modern Optics Institute of Nankai University. From 2013, he moved to Shenzhen University, and became the director of Research Center of Nano-optics. He has published more 200 Journal papers related to singularity optics, optical vortex, novel light beam and surface plasma polarity manipulation. Some typical papers are published on Science, Science, Nature Communications, Nano Letters, Scientific Reports, PRL, Lab Chip, OL, APL, Plasmonics.