WUHAN, China (May 11, 2015) - Wuhan Optoelectronics Forum No. 95 was successfully held in Auditorium A101 at Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics (WNLO) in the morning of May 11.
In recent years graphene (GN) received widespread attention owing to its extraordinary physical and chemical properties. They bring new vitality to the development of Analytical Chemistry. The coupling of electrochemical devices with GN offers an excellent platform to realize the diagnostics and detection of many biomaterials. Our group for the first time reported that all four DNA bases in both ssDNA and dsDNA at GN-based electrode can be electrochemically detected simultaneously at physiological pH, without the need of a prehydrolysis step. We demonstrated that the GO/aptamer system could be programmed to perform relatively complicated OR and INHIBIT logic gates by taking advantage of the unique GO/aptamer interaction and the specific aptamer-target recognition. Multiple targets regulated the fluorescence intensities, and OR and INHIBIT logic gates were operated by the different fluorescence intensities at the same wavelength upon different inputs, and then combined to be the combinatorial logic gates. The combinatorial logic gates enabled high-throughput diagnosis by using fluorescence imaging. On the basis of the outputs of the combinatorial logic gates, we could figure out whether ATP or thrombin was present or not. This proof of concept might provide a new approach for multiplex analysis and nanobiomedical devices responding to multiple input chemicals.
Shaojun Dong studied in the Department of Furen University in 1949-1952. She has joined Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry (CIAC), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) since 1952. She is the head of the Key Laboratory of Electroanalytical Chemistry (KLEAC) (1986-1998) and elected Member of the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS) in 1999. She published over 900 papers in international SCI journals cited over 35,000 times with h-index 88. She has been the Visiting Professor in the University of Kansas (USA), Dijon University (France) and Yamanashi University (Japan). She has also been in the International Advisory Board of six international journals like Chem. Commun., Electrochem. Commun., Biosens & Bioelectron, Bioelectrochemistry, Talanta etc. She has presented plenary, keynote and invited lectures over 100 times in international academic conference and contributed seminars in 25 different countries. Her awards include: 1 International; 3 National Natural Science and 10 Advanced Science and Technology Awards from CAS and Jilin Province. She is selected in the global "Highly Cited Researcher 2014" by ISI Web of Science (SCI) in the past 11 years (2002-2012).