Title:Spin transfer moment: spintronics at the nanoscale
Speaker:Pro.Jiangang Zhu
Venue: Room A101 At WNLO
When an electric current passes through a ferromagnetic layer, it not only carries charge, but also spin angular momentum. Such spin current can then interact with local magnetization, an effect referred to as spin transfer torque (STT). Theoretically predicted by Professor Berger of Carnegie Mellon University and Dr. Slonczewiki of IBM, the effect was experimentally demonstrated for the first time in 1999. Since then, there have been substantial amount of research effort in exploring the physical effect along with its material dependence and potential technological applications. In this talk, we will review the underlying physics of the STT effect and discuss some of its important and enabling applications to date. In specific, the talk will present detailed discussion on STT driven magnetoresistive random access memory (MRAM) technology, STT induced microwave oscillators, and novel spin logic devices. At the end, potential for achieving non-charge pure spin current will be mentioned.