Title:Characteristics and applications of advanced light source and novel photocathode
Speaker:Pro.Jun Feng
Venue: Room A101 at WNLO
2010 is the 50th anniversary of the invention of laser. I will describe the evolution of laser, synchrotron radiation light and new generation light source - free electron laser (also called x-ray laser). Novel photocathode is identified as a key area of research needed to meet the challenge of next generation light sources, where in particular, it operates at very high repetition rate and low emittance. One front field of scientific research in the world is to study the ultra-fast and ultra-small world. The combination of high brightness and ultra-fast pulse of x-ray laser with ultra-fast detector will make important contributions to the ultrafast dynamic study of the ultra-small world. The work function, vectorial photoelectric effect and angle resolved photoemission of single-crystal surface of typically used metallic photocathode and multi-alkali photocathode will be reported. The ultra-fast dynamics of magnetism material Fe/Gd and the warm-dense-matter generated by focusing a fs laser on Cu will also be reported.
Jun Feng, graduated from Sichuan University and got his PH.D degree from the Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Science. He was awarded with the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholar of China by NSFC in 1996, with the second prize of National Natural science research award of
in 2001 and the outstanding performance award of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in 2003. Jun Feng was a research full professor at Chinese Academy of Science since 1995. He is currently holding a staff scientist position at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory of the department of energy of USA His research interests and projects are: 1) Advanced Electron Optics for photoemission electron microscope and its application, 2) Development of Ultra-fast x-ray streak camera and its application to nano-magnetism and nano warm dense matter dynamics study, a 230fs temporal resolution has been achieved, 3)Novel Photocathode for FEL, 4)X-ray beam line and end station and its application.