Title:Optical Micro-ring Resonators
Speaker: Prof.Ping-Tong Ho
Time: April.15.2010,10:00-12:00
Venue: Room A101 at WNLO
The optical micro-ring resonator, first proposed in 1969 as a simple filter, has now been demonstrated to be a versatile device capable of performing all the common functions in communications and signal processing: filtering, multiplexing/demultiplexing, modulation, switching, delay, gating, routing, sensing, amplification. The small dimensions of the rings place them in a very interesting operational parameter range: wide bandwidth yet high finesse. These properties are especially attractive for nonlinear optical applications. The high finesse means high stored intensities in the rings as in any resonator, which is further enhanced by the small model area, yet the bandwidth is not sacrificed. Small and easy to fabricate with planar technology, they are particularly suitable for large-scale integration. After a brief introduction to micro-resonators in general and micro-ring resonators in particular, I will present our work in Maryland as well as work elsewhere. The talk will conclude with a discussion on the challenges and prospects of this technology.