Title: Plasmonic and Metamaterial Nanophotonic Devices
Speaker: Prof. Min Qiu
Time: Jan.26.2010,19:30PM
Venue: Room A101 At WNLO
Noble metals start to play a key role in the field of nanophotonics, in particular, by utilizing their plasmonic effects and metamaterial structures. Plasmonic nanophotonic devices, which allow sub-wavelength confinement for optical modes, have shown the tremendous potential applications particularly in ultra-compact photonic integrated circuits, LEDs, sensors, and detectors. Meanwhile, optical metamaterials, which are artificially structured materials made from arrays of subwavelength “meta-atoms”, can be designed to display fascinating physical properties and promise many potential applications. Both plasmonic and metamaterial devices have noble metals (e.g. Au, Ag) as the main composition element. In this talk, I will review our recent works on plasmonic and metamaterial nanophotonic devices. An experimentally demonstrated high efficiency surface plasmonic coupler composed of a tapered silicon strip waveguide and a sub-wavelength scale metal gap waveguide will be presented. The design, characterization and experimental demonstration of an ultrathin, wide-angle, sub-wavelength perfect metamaterial absorber for optical frequencies will also be shown. Our experimental results show that an absorption peak of 88% is achieved at the wavelength of ~ 1.58 µm, and theoretical results even give near perfect absorption. Our other related research efforts, such as invisibility cloaking using plasmonic effects and metamaterials will also be discussed in the present talk.
Min Qiu received the B.Sc. degree from the Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, in 1995, and the Ph.D. degree in Condensed Matter Physics from the same university in 1999. He received his second Ph.D. degree in Electromagnetic Theory from KTH in 2001. He joined KTH in Kista 2001 as an Assistant Professor and was awarded the so called Ingvar grant for Future Research leaders in 2005 from the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) – a six year grant about 9 MSEK. He is also currently holding a Senior Researcher Fellowship from the Swedish Research Council since 2007. He became a tenured associate professor in 2007. He was appointed the Professor of Photonics from November 1, 2009, and thus being the youngest professor in the ICT school of KTH. He has published over 110 journal papers, and his h index is 26 till the Dec. 2009.