Title:Generation of intense high harmonics and its application to attosecond nonlinear optics
Speaker:Prof. Katsumi Midorikawa, Extreme Photonics Research Group, RIKEN, Hirosawa Wako, Saitama,Japan
Time:June 11, 2009 9:00-10:30AM
Venue:Room A101 at WNLO
This lecture will present on the generation of intense soft x-ray pulses and its application to nonlinear multiphoton processes. Using such nonlinear processes, the temporal width of the 42 eV soft x-ray pulse was measured directly by an autocorrelation technique. A train of attosecond pulses was also characterized by interferometric autocorrelation using Coulomb explosion of molecules. Intense high harmonics produced by phase-matching technique enable the observation of these nonlinear optical processes.
Prof. k. Midorikawa is the director of Laser Technology Laboratory , RIKEN (The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research) since 2008. He received his Ph. D in electrical engineering from Keio University in 1983. Prof. k. Midorikawa 's research interests have been in TEA CO2 laser technology, femtosecond laser technology, laser micro-processing technology, Short-wave coherent light source technology and extreme photonics. Prof. k. Midorikawa has received a number of awards including Prize of The Laser Society of Japan in 1985 and 1998, Outstanding Achievement Award of Keio Univerity Alumni Association in 2003, Outstanding Oral Paper Award in 2004, The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Prizes for Science and Technology in 2006, Outstanding Achievement Award of RIKEN in 2006, Chang Jiang Scholar in 2008. Prof. k. Midorikawa is Board Member of the Laser Society of Japan. member , the Physical Society of Japan. member , the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. co-editor of Applied Physic B and Associate Editor of the Review of Laser Engineering (Japan).