Title: Advanced Femtosecond Laser Technology
Speaker: Pro. Chang Hee Nam
Time: June. 11, 2009, 10:00 PM
Venue: Room A101 At WNLO
Laser techniques to produce ultrashort pulses have been rapidly progressed as well. For the generation of sub-10-fs pulses new pulse compression techniques using gaseous media were developed and applied to the generation intense laser pulses containing only few optical cycles. In the case of few-cycle lasers the electric field profile of the laser pulse is then a more relevant physical entity in light-matter interactions than the intensity profile normally considered for the analysis of experimental and theoretical investigations. The electric field of few-cycle laser pulses that changes sensitively to the carrier-envelope phase (CEP) of the laser pulse should be measured and controlled. The CEP stabilization is thus one of critical techniques in investigating few-cycle laser-matter interactions, such as high-harmonic generation (HHG), above-threshold ionization, and ultrafast atomic and molecular dynamics. In this lecture the recent progress of advanced femtosecond laser technology applied to high-power few-cycle lasers is presented.
Prof. Chang Hee Nam is the director at Coherent X-ray Research Center, KAIST (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) since 1999. He received his Ph.D. in plasma physics form Prinseton University in 1988, and was a staff research physicist at Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. Prof. Chang Hee Nam's research interests have been in attosecond physics, high-order harmonic generation, ultrafast atomic and molecular dynamics, soft x-ray interfermetry and micorscopy and femtosecond laser technology development. Prof. Chang Hee Nam has received a number of awards including Josephine de Karman Fellowship in 1985, Best Paper Award from Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies in 1995, Scientist-of-the-month from Ministry of Science and Technology of Korea/Korea Science and Engineering Foundation in 2002, Excellent Research Award form Korean Physical Society in 2003 and Excellent Research Award from Optical Society of Korea in 2007. Prof. Chang Hee Nam is a fellow of Korean Physical Society-Div. head, Optics and Quantum Electronics, vice president of Optical Society of Korea-Div. head, Quantum Electronics, a fellow of American Physical society(APS) and a fellow of Optical sciety of America(OSA).