Title: Slow and fast light in semiconductor devices: Physics and applications
Speaker: Pro. Jesper Mørk
Time: Sep. 28, 2009, 4:00 PM
Venue: Room A101 At WNLO
We discuss the physics and possible applications of slow and fast light phenomena in semiconductor waveguides. In particular the effects of coherent population oscillations and electromagnetically induced transparency in semiconductor waveguides are introduced, and the possibilities and limitations due to the properties of the semiconductor material are analyzed. Based on recent experimental results it appears that light speed control by coherent population oscillations may find applications in the field of microwave photonics.
Jesper Mørk received the MS, PhD and Dr. Techn. degrees from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Lyngby, in 1986, 1988 and 2003, respectively. Since 2002, he has been a Professor with DTU Fotonik, Dept. of Photonics Engineering (formerly known as COM). He is the winner of Annual Prize of the Danish Optical Society in 1994 for contributions to the theoretical modelling of semiconductor lasers and the understanding of ultrafast carrier dynamics in semiconductor waveguides. He is also the winner of The “DANA LIM” award 2006. The award is given by “Kai Hansen’s Foundation”, the owner of the company “DANA LIM A/S”. The award (DKK 400.000,-) is given for JM’s research contributions within semiconductor devices for optical communication systems. He is a member of Member of the Danish Research Council for Technology and Production (1.08.2006 – 31.07.2010); member of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV); from 2005; Member of the Science and Engineering Council, Optical Society of America from 2005; Member of program committee on “Semiconductor Lasers” for Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), CLEO-Europe, the Annual Meeting of the Optical Society of America “Frontiers in Optics, the Conference on “Fast and Slow Light” organized by the Optical Society of America etc. He is the chairman of topical meeting on “Optical Amplifiers and Their Applications”, organized by the Optical Society of America (2005), Conference on “Fast and Slow Light” organized by the Optical Society of America(2008) etc.
He is the Associate Editor of IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics from Jan. 2006. He has authored or co-authored more than 330 papers in journals and conference proceedings, including 50 invited talks at international conferences His current research interests are in the area of device physics, in particular, ultrafast devices for optical signal processing, noise in nonlinear devices, and quantum photonic devices. Currently he is hosting several over projects which are over ten million Danish kroner each.