An inspiring report entitled Pressure-induced Emission was given by Prof. Bo Zhou in Wuhan Optoelectronics Forum No. 189, which was on 25thAugust, 2023 in the Auditorium C111 at Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics (WNLO). Prof. Guoli Tu chaired the forum and Prof. Peixiang Lu, Executive Deputy Director of WNLO awarded the forum medal to Prof. Bo Zhou.
Prof. Zou introduced the concept of pressure-induced emission (PIE) by incorporating the dimension of pressure and explaining how high pressure, as a unique thermodynamic parameter and extreme condition, can effectively control the crystal and electronic structures of materials. The report provides a detailed account of the method employed to bring a series of high-pressure luminescent phases to ambient pressure by adjusting the potential energy barrier of chemical reactions. This approach resolves the debate surrounding the origin of high-wavenumber blue light in indium-based double perovskites by utilizing high pressure to eliminate the contribution of free exciton recombination. The physical mechanism of singlet-excited emission recombination in the self-trapped state is elucidated, along with the use of high pressure to drive the transition from the triplet state of the trapped exciton to the singlet state. This enhances the recombination probability of singlet-state excitons, ultimately leading to the transformation of self-trapped excitons from a "dark state" to a "bright state" accompanied by delayed fluorescence under higher pressure. Based on this concept, Prof. Zou introduced other research works undertaken by his group in recent years, which provided new ideas and methods for preparing chemical materials with specific functions.
After the report, there was a deep two-way exchange and discuss between the audience and Prof. Zou Bo about the change laws of material properties under high pressure, the extension application of related technologies in other fields, and other issues.
Zou Bo, Dean of the College of Physics of Jilin University, a distinguished professor of Cheung Kong Scholars Program and winner of National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. In 2002, he graduated and obtained PhD in the School of Chemistry of Jilin University. From 2001 to 2002, he experienced joint doctoral training in the Institute of Physics, University of Munster, Germany; 2003-2005: Worked as postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Dortmund, Germany. His main research topic is high-pressure chemistry. He has published more than 400 papers in journals, such as Nature Commun, J Am Chem Soc, and Angew Chem Int Ed. Currently, he serves as a member of the 1st Asian High-Pressure Science and Technology Council, the vice-chairman of the High-Pressure Chemistry Professional Committee of the Chinese Chemical Society, a member of the Photochemistry Professional Committee of the Chinese Chemical Society, a member of the High-Pressure Physics Professional Committee of the Chinese Physical Society, and a member of the Photochemistry and Photobiology Professional Committee of the Chinese Society for Photosensitivity.