WUHAN, China (Oct 26, 2022) - Wuhan Optoelectronics Forum No. 181 was successfully held in Auditorium C111 at Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics (WNLO) in the afternoon of Oct 26. Prof. Li Yutong from Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences delivered an inspiring speech entitled Generation and applications of strong terahertz radiation with ultrafast intense laser-produced plasmas. Prof. Lu Peixiang from WNLO chaired the forum and awarded Prof. Li Yutong the forum medal.
Starting from the generation of THz radiation, Prof. Li's report introduces the status of strong THz pulse source, its generation mechanism, and the characteristics of strong THz source, including strong electric field, strong magnetic field, low photon energy and ultrafine time resolution, which provide a unique tool for the research of many scientific problems. Combined with the team more than 20 years about ultrafast laser and plasma interaction, he introduced the research on the new radiation source driven by ultrafast and ultra-strong laser. A fruitful discussion was followed by Prof. Li Yutong and the audience from WNLO.
Li Yutong is a professor at the Institute of Physics and director of the Key Laboratory of Photo Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.Prof. Li received the national distinguished youth fund,the title of young and middle-aged leading scientific and technological innovation talent,the ten thousand people project and the national ten million talents project,the state council special allowance expert, national natural science second prize,the outstanding achievement award of Chinese Academy Of Sciences, Wang Ganchang physics award of Chinese Physical Society, qiushi outstanding scientific and technological achievement collective award, top ten advances in Chinese science, Cai Shidong outstanding achievement award in plasma physics and other awards and honors.
He is mainly engaged in the research of the interaction between strong laser and matter, and has got significant international impact in the research of new high-power terahertz radiation driven by strong laser and its applications, new laser nuclear fusion schemes, laboratory astrophysics and other cutting-edge problems.